Includes overview of environmental issues in the Bay, bibliography of environmental resources for the Bay, archaeology, interesting links, & other topics.
An Account of Two Voyages to New-England Made During the Years 1638, 1663
(pdf 13.72 MB)
Summary and Reference Map (pdf 140 KB)
Josselyn 1675
Annotated Bibliography of Environmental Information Relating to Merrymeeting Bay
(Internal Page)
Compiled by Resource Services
Ann Hayden
Brunswick, ME
Oct 1, 1997
Archaeological Survey of the Umberhind, Detweiler, and Gallant Parcels, Bowdoinham, Maine
(pdf 6.98 MB)
Leith Smith, Leon Cranmer, & Art Spiess
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Aug 1, 2006
Bowdoinham Cathance River Bridge-Steen 2021-The Bowdoinham News Vol19 - Issue 7
(pdf 1.02 MB)
Coasting on the Alice s. Wentorth
(External Link)
Oct 1, 1965
Defining a Nuisance:
(pdf 559 KB)
Pollution, Science, and Environmental Politics on Maine's Androscoggin River
Wallace Scot McFarlane
Environmental History 17 :307-335.
Apr 1, 2012
Dresden Falls 2018 Archaeology Field Report
(pdf 3.74 MB)
-Testing of 2017 GPR Results-
Arthur Spiess, Leith Smith & John Moser
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
May 1, 2019
Duck Shooting Along the Atlantic Tidewater
(pdf 983 KB)
Chapter 3, Merrymeeting Bay
Ransom B. Kelley - 1947
Duck Shooting on Merrymeeting Bay at the Darton Farms
(pdf 3.15 MB)
Back when you could ride the train to Bowdoinham
The Ecological Collapse and Partial Recovery of a Freshwater Tidal Ecosystem
(External Link)
John Lichter, et al.
Northeastern Naturalist, Vol 13, No. 2, pp 153-178
Date: 2006
Evidence of a Prehistoric Pottery Kiln, Sebasticook River, Winslow, Maine
(pdf 1.39 MB)
Douglas Watts
Posted to Tispaquin's Revenge Blog
Oct 6, 2009
FOMB featured on MSN's Practical Guide to Healthier Living
( 50.81 MB)
Video for download(wmv; file size 50 MB) Tim Sheahan (Sheahan Productions)
Essay (pdf; file size: 3.7 MB) Ed Friedman
Nov 17, 2009
Generating Electric Power in the Pacific Northwest; Implications of Alternative Technologies
(pdf 275 KB)
Overview (pdf; file size: 269 KB)
Full Report (pdf; file size: 442 KB)
This study takes an in-depth look at current status and future energy scenarios in the northwest focussing on hydro-electricity and natural gas the primary sources of today's power there. The report also looks closely at cost/benefits of multiple dam removals on the lower Snake River and the issue of safe passage for migratory salmon. The overview document homes in on the dam issue.
RAND Corp.
Date: 2002
The Hard Way, Bishop 1998
(pdf 7.74 MB)
with Supplements 4-16-20
Apr 16, 2020
(pdf 341 KB)
Biology Department and Environmental Studies Program, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine 04011 USA
Geology Department, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine 04011 USA
Laboratory of Paleoecology and Paleohydrology, Sawyer Research Center, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469 USA Ecological Applications, 17(3), 2007, pp. 765-778 by the Ecological Society of America
Historical Summary of Federal Navigation Studies, Authorizations and Improvements & Federal Navigation Project Maintenance in the New England District MAINE
(pdf 785 KB)
Featured Highlights: Cathance River: Blue; KennebecRiver: Abbagadassett Ledge: Yellow; Beef Rock Dike & Training Wall [mouth of the Eastern River]: Red; Lovejoy Narrows: Green
History of Settlement Along Abbagadasset Road in Bowdoinham
(pdf 3.36 MB)
Minerva Dunlap, 1982
Hudson Rising Curriculum
(pdf 19.61 MB)
NY Historical Society 2019
J. C. Humphreys and his Merrymeeting Bay Shipyard
(External Link)
Christopher B. Gutscher
James Madison Kendall's Wonderful Water Wheel-Bud Warren FOMB Presentation Slides 11-13-24
(pdf 4.82 MB)
Video recording of this presentation may be found in the Education section of our Home Page
The Kennebec Estuary Report
Kennebec Estuary Land Trust
(pdf 3.77 MB)
Prins, Harald E. L. 1984.
"Foul Play on the Kennebec: The Historical Background of Fort Western
and the Demise of the Abenaki Nation."
The Kennebec Proprietor: Magazine of the Fort Western Museum,
Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 4-14.
Looming_Deadlines_for_Coastal_Resilience-Union of Concerned Scientists 6-25-2024
(pdf 360 KB)
A Means of Removing Them Further From Us
(pdf 137 KB)
The Struggle for Waterpower on New England's Eastern Frontier
Bennett 2017
Mere Pt and the First World Fliers
(pdf 1.56 MB)
Oct 1, 1965
Merrymeeting Park \1898/// Brunswick, Maine
(pdf 4.12 MB)
"Booklet by Christopher B. Gutscher
PEOPLE IN NATURE: Envlronmental History of the
Kennebec River, Maine
(pdf 4.05 MB)
by Daniel J. Michor
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Arts
(in History)
The Graduate School
The University of Maine
May 1, 2003
Pilgram Laws On The Kennebeke River [sic]
(pdf 720 KB)
by Eben L. Elwell
May 23, 1984
PIRG 2024-WasteX-Environmental-harms-of-satellite-internet-mega-constellations
(pdf 5.12 MB)
For further information on this topic see the outdated website from the Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS) at
Rosalie Edge- A Most Determined Lady (1877-1962)-Peter Edge 1980s
(pdf 53 KB)
Rosalie Edge-The Forgotten Woman Behind Yellowstone’s Predator Revolution-Mountain Journal 9-2024
(pdf 1.09 MB)
Salt Marsh Ditches of the South Shore - Part 1
(pdf 2.16 MB)
North & South Rivers Watershed Association
By Jim Glinski
Nov 1, 2022
Self-Guided Nature Tour of Merrymeeting Bay.
(External Link)
Terry Porter
Maine Master Naturalist Program
Jan 27, 2020
A Summary of Existing Research on Low-Head Dam Removal Projects
(pdf 2.44 MB)
Requested by:
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standing Committee on the Environment
Prepared by:
ICF Consulting
In association with Woodlot Alternatives, Inc.
Sep 1, 2005
Thwings Point Archaeology, Woolwich, Maine
Tide Mills of Maine and Beyond George Carleton Sr
(pdf 1.98 MB)
The Transient Town of Cork
(pdf 1.80 MB)
by Rev. Henry O. Thayer
Read before the Maine Historical Society
Dec 9, 1892
Unnatural Freshwater Flow Project
(Internal Page)
Thanks to Kiran Yendamuri, Friends of Sebago Lake, Friends of Merrymeeting Bay and Quebec Labrador Foundation
Weed Control Methods Handbook: Tools and Techniques for Use in Natural Areas
(External Link)
Authors: Mandy Tu, Callie Hurd, & John M. Randall
Apr 1, 2001
(pdf 8 KB)