Hydrology and Geology of Merrymeeting Bay including information about our research on currents in the Bay, hydropower, etc.
Biomonitoring Retrospective: Fifteen Year Summary for Maine Rivers and Streams
(External Link)
Kennebec River Chapter (pdf)
Maine Bureau of Land and Water Quality
Date: 1999
Controls on Estuarine Morphodynamics: A Case Study on Merrymeeting Bay, Kennebec
River Estuary, Maine
(External Link)
Abstract from paper presented at the Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting
Brad A. Knisley, et al.
Nov 8, 2001
Current Study of Merrymeeting Bay
(Internal Page)
Edwards Dam
(Internal Page)
The Effects of Changing Freshwater Inflow to Estuaries: A Georgia Perspective
(pdf 1.40 MB)
Georgia Coastal Research Council
Nov 1, 2002
Evidence for late Holocene sea-level rise in New England
(pdf 614 KB)
Flow and Biogeochemical Fluxes in the Abagadasset River, Mid-Coast Maine
(Internal Page)
Abstract from poster presented at the Geological Society of America,
40th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Section
Christopher W. Proctor
Bowdoin College, Brunswick ME
Mar 16, 2005
Geographic Locations of Dams
(pdf 6.52 MB)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Gulf of Maine Coastal Program
May 13, 2009
Geological History of Maine TABLE 1
(pdf 17 KB)
Geology of Maine
(pdf 5.77 MB)
Surficial Geology of Maine (pdf file: 1.1 MB)
Thompson, Woodrow B., and Borns, Harold W., Jr. (editors),
42" x 52" color map, scale 1:500,000.
Maine Geological Survey Maps.
Simplified Bedrock Geology of Maine (pdf file: 1.1 MB)
Loiselle, Marc (cartographer),
11" x 17" color map, scale 1:2,000,000.
Maine Geological Survey Maps.
Simplified Surficial Geology of Maine (pdf file: 2,1 MB)
Loiselle, Marc,
11" x 17" color map., scale 1:2,000,000.
Maine Geological Survey Maps.
Geology of Merrymeeting Bay Area
Department of Conservation, Maine Geological Survey
- Bedrock
Bath 100 Quad - 2002 (pdf file: 4.8 MB)
Bath 100 Quad Report (Bulletin 42) - 2002 (pdf 19.0 MB)
Bowdoinham 24 Quad - 2006 (pdf file: 2.1 MB)
Bowdoinham 24 Quad Sidebar - 2006 (pdf file: 1.6 MB)
Bowdoinham 24 Quad Bedrock_geology_report and map - 2010 (pdf file: 17.7 MB)
Richmond 24 Quad Bedrock_geology_map - 2010 (pdf file: 14.4 MB)
- Surficial
Bath 24 Quad - 2002 (pdf file: 2.3 MB)
Bowdionham 24 Quad - 2003 (pdf file: 2.4 MB)
Brunswick 24 Quad - 2001 (pdf file: 2.7 MB)
Brunswick 24 Quad sidebar - 2001 (pdf file: 2.2 MB)
Gardiner 24 Quad - 2009 (pdf file: 2.0 MB)
Gardiner 24 Quad sidebar - 2009 (pdf file: 1.3 MB)
Lisbon Falls North 24 Quad - 2003 (pdf file: 2.8 MB)
Lisbon Falls North 24 Quad sidebar - 2003 (pdf file: 1.6 MB)
Richmond 24 Quad - 2009 (pdf file: 2.6 MB)
Richmond 24 Quad sidebar - 2009 (pdf file: 1.6 MB)
- Significant_sand_and_gravel_aquifers
Richmond_quadrangle - 2004 (pdf file: 4.5 MB)
Gardiner_quadrangle - 1999 (pdf file: 4.4 MB)
Brunswick_quadrangle - 1999 (pdf file: 5.6 MB)
- Coastal geology Maps with Citations
Bath NE (pdf file: 1.9 MB)
Timson, Barry S. (mapper)
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bath NE [Bath 7.5'] quadrangle
Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 76-57, scale 1:24,000
Bowdoinham [Gardiner SW] (pdf file: 1.2 MB)
Timson, Barry S. (mapper)
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Gardiner SW [Bowdoinham 7.5'] quadrangle
Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 76-94, map, scale 1:24,000
Brunswick [Bath NW] (pdf file: 1.7 MB)
Timson, Barry S. (mapper)
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bath NW [Brunswick 7.5'] quadrangle
Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 76-58, map, scale 1:24,000
Gardiner (pdf file: 1.4 MB)
Timson, Barry S. (mapper)
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Gardiner NE [Gardiner 7.5'] quadrangle
Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 76-92, map, scale 1:24,000
Richmond {Gardiner SE] (pdf file: 1.5 MB)
Timson, Barry S. (mapper)
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Gardiner SE [Richmond 7.5'] quadrangle
Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 76-93, map, scale 1:24,000
Phippsburg (pdf file: 2.0 MB)
Timson, Barry S. (mapper)
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Phippsburg quadrangle
Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 76-120, map, scale 1:24,000
Augusta SE (pdf file: 1.5 MB)
Timson, Barry S. (mapper)
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Augusta SE [Augusta 7.5'] quadrangle
Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 76-50, map, scale 1:24,000
Historical evidence of sea-level change along the Maine coast
(pdf 595 KB)
History of ice Margins in NewEngland
(pdf 1.75 MB)
Maine State Planning Office
Hydropower Reform Coalition
(External Link)
Group working to achieve improvements to rivers altered by hydropower dams.
Impacts of future sea level rise on the coastal floodplain
(pdf 13.21 MB)
Investigation of salt marsh stratigraphy as an indicator of sea level
(pdf 410 KB)
Lower Androscoggin Bathymetry: Gulf Island Pond Dam-Below Brunswick Dam.
(pdf 1.03 MB)
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Fisheries Division Region A-1982
Maine Dam List by County
(pdf 304 KB)
(pdf file 304 KB)
(xls file 398 KB)
Maine History of Sea Level Changes, 1996
(pdf 1.14 MB)
Norumbega and other Fault Map SW Maine, Casco and Merrymeeting Bay Hussey 1988
(pdf 745 KB)
Norumbega-Blinn Hill Map-West 2007
(pdf 300 KB)
Postglacial faulting in the vicinity of the Norumbega fault zone
(pdf 2.14 MB)
Riverbed-Sediment Mapping in the Edwards Dam Impoundment on the Kennebec River, Maine, By Use of Geophysical Techniques
(pdf 280 KB)
Dudley, R.W
The Role of Freshwater Inflows in Sustaining Estuarine Ecosystem Health
in the San Antonio Bay Region
(pdf 345 KB)
Houston Advanced Research Center
Sep 15, 2006
The Turbidity Problem in the Eastern River, Dresden, Maine
(pdf 3.39 MB)
by ESR Inc, Geologic Consultants
U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5255
(pdf 3.12 MB)
A digital terrain model of bathymetry and shallow-zone bottom-substrate classification for Spednic Lake and estimates of lake-level-dependent habitat to support smallmouth bass persistence modeling
Mar 1, 2011