Toxins, Pollution, and Water Quality including information on using caged mussels to test for toxins such as PCBs and dioxin in the Bay & tributaries, sources of Bay pollution, water quality testing in the Bay, & other topics.
2008 Letters of support for Andro Upgrade proposal
2009 Lower Androscoggin River Water Monitoring and Upgrade Report
2010 Letters of support for Andro Upgrade proposal
2010 Lower Androscoggin River Water Monitoring and Upgrade Report
(pdf 2.53 MB)
Friends of Merrymeeting Bay & Applied Biomonitoring
Jan 28, 2011
2011/2012 Lower Androscoggin River Water Monitoring and Upgrade Report
(pdf 4.26 MB)
Friends of Merrymeeting Bay & Applied Biomonitoring
Mar 29, 2013
2021 Lower Androscoggin Macroinvertebrate Sampling Study
(External Link)
Paul C. Leeper
Moody Mountain Environmental
Androscoggin River Fact Sheet
(External Link)
Androscoggin River Alliance
Feb 24, 2005
Androscoggin River History Presentation
(pdf 4.49 MB)
Androscoggin River Alliance
Androscoggin River Upgrade Proposal 2008
Submission Guidelines (web page 24 KB)
FOMB Andro Upgrade Proposal (web page 17 KB)
Dissolved Oxygen Data (web page 96 KB)
Excel file (35 KB)
Fecal Coliform Data (web page 80 KB)
Excel file (44 KB)
2005-2008 Andro Bacteria Minus October Anomalous Flows (web page 139 KB)
Excel file (43 KB)
2008 Water Reclassification Summary with DEP Recommendations (pdf file 150 KB)
BEP Public Hearing Recommendation September 18, 2008 (pdf file 20 KB)
BEP Public Hearing Transcript September 18, 2008 (pdf file 301 KB)
Lewiston Joins Effort to get River Water Quality Elevated October 1, 2008 (web page 4 KB)
Conservation Law Foundation Written Comments October 2, 2008 (pdf file 1.3 MB)
MDEP ReClassification Response to Comments October 29, 2008 (web page 110 KB)
Sun Journal Editorial November 2, 2008 (web page 5 KB)
Times Record Letter November 4, 2008 (web page 6 KB)
FOMB testimony on LD 330. River Reclassification Androscoggin Upgrade February 17, 2009 (web page 17 KB)
Sun Journal Staff Article February 20, 2009 (web page)
Sun Journal Staff Article April 17, 2009 (web page)
Times Record Editorial July 17, 2010 (pdf file 58 KB)
Sun Journal Staff Article August 15, 2010 (pdf file 160 KB)
Times Record - Bill to upgrade Androscoggin River water quality draws scrutiny 2-4-2011 (pdf file 125 KB)
FOMB Press Release on Androscoggin Report 2-7-11 (pdf file 12 KB)
FOMB Testimony for LD 154 Androscoggin Upgrade - 2-8-2011
Lewiston Sun Journal - DEP, business interests align against river reclassification - 2-9-11 (pdf file 56 KB)
Lewiston Sun Journal - C+? B-? Compromise looms in river
reclassification 4-12-2011 (pdf file 22 KB)
Bangor Daily News - Parties at odds over Androscoggin River reclassification 4-12-2011 (pdf file 64 KB)
Times Record - A new class for the Androscoggin? 4-15-2011 (pdf file 60 KB)
Androscoggin River Upgrade Proposal 2020
Androscoggin River Volunteer River Monitoring Program
Maine DEP and Friends of Merrymeeting Bay
Belted Kingfishers (Ceryle alcyon)
(pdf 828 KB)
as indicators of
methyl mercury availability in aquatic systems (1997-2003)
Casco Bay Plan 1996
(pdf 9.61 MB)
Toxic Pollution is in Chapter 5
Oct 1, 1996
Case for Caution revisited:
(pdf 767 KB)
Health and Environmental Impacts of Application of Sewage Sludges to Agricultural Land (pdf file 750 KB)
Ellen Z. Harrison, retired Director, and Murray McBride, Director,
Cornell Waste Management Institute, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Rice Hall,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. (
Sep 1, 2008
Chemical Recycling
(pdf 3.09 MB)
A Dangerous Deception.
Beyond Plastics - Benington College
Oct 1, 2023
Circular Claims Fall Flat
(pdf 811 KB)
Comprehensive U.S. Survey of Plastics Recyclability
Feb 18, 2020
Circular Claims Fall Flat Again
(pdf 1.70 MB)
Final Update Report 2022
Greenpeace Report
Oct 1, 2022
E. coli Monitoring - Effective Techniques
and Test Kits for Volunteers
(pdf 499 KB)
Dr. Lois Wolfson
Michigan State University
Michigan Clean Water Corps Conference
Oct 16, 2007
FOMB/DEP Volunteer River Monitoring Program:
Friends of Merrymeeting Bay (FOMB)- {counties: Androscoggin, Sagadahoc, Cumberland}
- Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP)
- Appendices specific to FOMB
- Common [Core] Appendices
Appendix A: Data Quality Objectives (VRMP QAPP-Table 3a).
Appendix B: Frequency of Precision Measurements (VRMP QAPP-Table 3c).
Appendix C: standard operating procedures (SOPs)
(Note: SOPs are located on a separate webpage. An individual group's Sampling and Analysis Plan specifies which particular SOPs apply to the group. If you would like to get back to this page, click the "Back" arrow or button on your Internet browser.)
- Appendix D (coversheet): Field data sheets and IDEXX bacteria lab sheets.
- Appendix D-A-1 [field datasheet - Tier 1] [not specific to any particular volunteer group]
- Appendix D-A-2 [field datasheet - Tier 2] [not specific to any particular volunteer group]
- Appendix D-B [D. O. depth profile datasheet]
- Appendix D-C [IDEXX Colilert datasheet]
- Appendix E: Sample Holding Times and Preservation (VRMP QAPP-Table 3d).
- Appendix F: Site Location Form
- Appendix H: Sampling Position Requirements (VRMP QAPP-Table 4a).
- Appendix I: Maintenance, Testing and Inspection Procedures (VRMP QAPP-Table 5a).
- Appendix J: Data Management Overview (VRMP QAPP-Section 5.10).
- Appendix K: Criteria used to Review/Validate Data (VRMP QAPP-Table 6).
- Appendix L: IDEXX Lab QA-QC Steps (from VRMP QAPP Appendix 11).
Freshwater Mussels & Testing for Toxins
(Internal Page)
(For basic info on freshwater mussels,
see also above section on fish & wildlife)
Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program and Data
(Internal Page)
In Harms Way Breast Feeding Fact Sheet
(pdf 132 KB)
In Harms Way Breast Feeding Fact Sheet-Health Care Providers
(pdf 125 KB)
In Harms Way-Environment Fact Sheet
(pdf 183 KB)
In Harms Way-Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility-1998
(pdf 2.25 MB)
In 1998 GBPSR launched the project In Harm’s Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development to address this important issue. A 140 page, fully referenced, peer reviewed report, addressing the links between toxic chemicals in our environment and learning, behavioral and developmental disabilities in children.
In Harms Way-Health Care Provider Fact Sheet
(pdf 145 KB)
In Harms Way-Provider Training Slide Show
(pdf 1.37 MB)
Integrating Ambient and Compliance Monitoring in the Kennebec River Basin
(pdf 149 KB)
Paper presented at the National Water Quality Monitoring Council Conference
Keith Robinson & David Courtemanch, U.s. Geological Survey
Jul 9, 1998
Introduction to Bacteria Monitoring of Surface water
for Volunteers
(pdf 389 KB)
Stacey Moulds
Alliance for the
Chesapeake Bay
Feb 7, 2004
Maine Biological and
Nutrient Criteria
(pdf 2.34 MB)
Tom Daniellson and
Dave Courtemanch
Maine DEP
Feb 27, 2008
Maine DEP Dioxin Monitoring Report
(pdf 1.93 MB)
Date: 2000
Mind Disrupted Biomonitoring Report From Alaska
NMI Studys - Real Estate Benefits of Clean Rivers
PAN Pesticide Ecotoxicity Study Index for Aquatic Organisms
(External Link)
PFAS (perfluoroalkyl substances) Research and Analysis Info
PFAS Briefing Maine Legislature Environment & Natural Resources Committee
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Hazardous Chemicals In Healthcare
(pdf 2.01 MB)
Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now
(pdf 7.63 MB)
President's Cancer Panel Report
Apr 1, 2010
Sediment Reports
(Internal Page)
Smoke Gets in Your Lungs: Outdoor Wood Boilers in New York State
(pdf 764 KB)
Office of the Attorney General of New York State, Environmental Protection Bureau
Aug 1, 2005
State Legislation for Secure Medicine Return:
(pdf 1.38 MB)
A Comparison of Maine and Washington
Ann Pistell, Maine Department of
Environmental Protection
Cheri Grasso, Local Hazardous Waste
Management Program in King County
Oct 1, 2009
Stockholm Report on Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Arctic
(pdf 703 KB)
Surface Water Ambient Toxics Monitoring Program (SWAT)
(External Link)
Maine's Surface Water Ambient Toxics (SWAT) monitoring program was established in 1993
(38 MRSA §420-B) to determine the nature, scope and severity of toxic contamination in the
surface waters and fisheries of the State.
Towards Ending Plastic Pollution by 2040
(pdf 5.12 MB)
Nordic Council of Ministers
Dec 9, 2023
Treating Contaminants of Emerging Concern
(pdf 5.75 MB)
A Literature Review Database | Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products
Aug 1, 2010